Category Archives: Compound Interest

Myth: Life insurance is expensive. Reality: It is, if you have the wrong coverage.

Do you think all doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, mechanics etc. are equal from an experience, education, knowledge and skillset perspective? Neither are financial advisors which is why you should receive a second opinion. Your family’s future depend on decisions you make now. Given the massive financial repercussions of not receiving the best advice it is Read More

Being scared to death of life insurance is perfectly normal…

…even if it doesn’t make any sense. Rarely do people wake up in the morning and say “I am going to buy some life insurance today.” This is understandable given that the accompanying thoughts are unpleasant to think about, the myriad of products available and the widespread perception people have of insurance advisors. But what Read More

Life insurance is the world’s most misunderstood product

If life insurance was called anything other than “life insurance,” business owners and families would line up to buy it. They wouldn’t need me. However, the mere mention of these two words together causes an automatic shutdown with most people – that is, until they truly understand it. Then, their responses range from “this is Read More